As of July 1, 2020, the minimum insurance coverage limits for standard auto insurance policies required of all Arizona drivers to cover them for liability in the event of an automobile accident was increased to:
$25,000.00 for one person sustaining bodily injury or death in an automobile accident;
$50,000.00 for two or more persons sustaining bodily injury or death in an automobile accident; and
$15,000.00 for damage to others’ property in an automobile accident.
This is the minimum automobile insurance coverage all Arizona drivers are required to carry at the risk of having of having their driver’s license and registration suspended. If you do not maintain at least the minimum required coverage and get stopped for a traffic violation or accident and cannot produce proof of auto insurance when the officer asks for it, you risk having your driver’s license and registration suspended and then being required to purchase the more expensive SR-22 insurance plus having to pay fees to get your driver’s license and registration reinstated.